Growth funding in a few clicks

Trusted by the world’s leading app companies

We’ve partnered with 8,000+ apps
Over $1 billion invested since 2015
Braavo portfolio companies have earned over $5B in revenue and amassed 100MM subscribers around the globe.
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Funding designed for app growth
Non-dilutive and built for the unique needs of app businesses. Our suite of funding solutions have been uniquely crafted using a data-driven investment model that looks at early signs of traction to predict future growth.
Built for apps of all shapes and sizes
Braavo is the preferred funding solution for all types of app businesses around the world. Whether you monetize through subscriptions, in-app purchases or advertising, we have a funding solution that works for you.
Founder-friendly capital
Achieve your vision with a funding partner that understands the app economy. All of our funding solutions are non-dilutive and offer the least restrictive terms so founders can achieve their goals and build enterprise value.
It’d be insane not to use Braavo if you have a growing subscription app.
Ben Rubin
Expert resources and support capital
Our team is comprised of fellow founders and mobile experts who are ready to support your growth. With resources and a community of 8,000 mobile app founders, you can connect, learn and grow more efficiently.
Track revenue growth
Use Braavo Analytics, a platform that provides executive-level reporting to help you track revenue performance and identify growth opportunities.

The world’s leading app businesses grow with Braavo Capital

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