What Happens to Mobile Gaming During a Recession?

Mobile gaming was born during the 2008–2010 recession. Does that mean it’s recession-proof?

Company News

Graham Gnall, on Product Management During Uncertainty

The opportunity to adapt during uncertain times.

Founders in Mobile

Friended Co-Founder Dan Kurani: How to Build a Social Platform that Puts People First

Q&A with Dan Kurani on building a kinder Internet.

COVID-19, Mobile Funding

Mobile Funding: What are the Options in 2020?

How app founders can navigate the mobile funding landscape during and after COVID-19.

Case Studies

How Ten Percent Happier Scaled with Braavo

Ten Percent Happier worked with Braavo to improve their operating cash flows, eventually closing a seed round of equity funding - on their terms.

Case Studies

How Flipd reached new revenue milestones with Braavo

How Flipd partnered with Braavo to reach students for back-to-school and achieve new app revenue milestones.

Mobile Funding

Considering a Factoring Company? Look for These Features

How to evaluate a factoring provider for your app business.

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